Times 27214

Amount of herring from end of harbour tinned (4) = CRAN

end of harbour = R, tinned = inside CAN

Music concert group of countries set up (5) = GIGUE

concert = GIG, group of countries = EU, set up = reversal in down clue

Sea god, fat, yellow and soft, surfacing (7) = PROTEUS

fat = SUET, yellow = OR, soft = P, surfacing = reversal in down clue

High time to discard a blouse (5) = MIDDY

high time = MIDDAY, discard = deletion, a = A

GIGUE = music; lively dance in 6 or 12-8
CRAN = Amount of herring; 371/2 gallons
PROTEUS = Sea god
MIDDY = blouse; loose blouse with flap at the back like a sailors uniform

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